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Logan is a great boyfriend who Meredith should totally date ( hint hint). He will do ANYTHING FOR HIS GIRL. And is single hint hint and is a great bf

Meredith plz date meee by logan

by Meredith date meeee October 21, 2019

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A bitch ass that likes to shit and commit suicide.

Logan grabbed a knife killed his mom then stabbed himself grabbed a gun and shot himself in the head. Then his spirit raped everyone like a bitch ass.

by idk what to make my name December 18, 2019

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Loyal boyfriend Girlfriend is Kathy.

Totally a stupid nerd who is absolutely ridiculous.

Logan is Kathy's boyfriend

by Tsun~Tsun~Starlight April 13, 2019

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Logan is a fun guy to hang around, if you get on his good side. he might not understand personal space, but thats ok. he isnt very funny and he plays too much video games. hes one of the skinner fellows, and is self consious about how skinny he is. he likes football, and fears social interaction

hey, have you seen Logan?
yea he was playing video games not hanging out with us

by KingFlames87 November 10, 2020

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The biggest bitch biglogi for short he is a thiccqq boi who loves some fortnite and it a total nerdneck

Logan is not sus

by Biglogi April 16, 2019

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He’s probably not getting rejected a lot..
Cocks like 6-8 somewhere in there

Likes blondes

Fuck boy

Juuls or smokes might snort depends on the day

Like basketball or baseball

Probably using that strong might be though
There loud

Wow that’s Logan he fucked my sister

by Terra Williams March 12, 2019

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A person that acts like a tsundere, but really can't live without you. He is a kitten with a heart of gold. He likes video games, mostly 2K and Minecraft. He is funny and caring, with a bit of anger issues.

Guy 1: Did you see that cute boy?

Guy 2: His name has to be Logan

by Liviathecrybaby July 29, 2019

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