When a straight dude sleeps beside a gay guy and nothing happens besides sleep the whole night.
"Tell me about Losing your Pink Ribbon again."
"I lost my Pink Ribbon to Steve last night"
"The gay dude. No sex? You sure?"
"Yep, just sleep... maybe some spooning."
what you say before blowing up a bi9n ladens taxi cab
wait here a minute..... you lose... a trillion dollars!
When a team loses when there was a few dodgey calls when it was close
Collingwood had a stiff lose against Geelong
a Fascistic neo Nazi dog whistle That is used in various far right online chat forums as well as mainstream social media comment sections (Instagram and tik tok especially) . It's usually paired up with the SS-Totenkopf and it essentially connotes to "never giving up the Furher's (Adolf hitler) dream (the ethnic extermination of "inferior" races and people). Individuals who use this phrase are usually radicalized neo Nazis who aim to re-establish the third Reich and fascism into society.
"we must never let the Furhers dream Die!"
"Never lose your smile brothers!"
7👍 12👎
When you lose so much or so badly that it begins to spread to those around you.
Tim sucks so bad at picking football winners, he's spreading the residue of losing to the rest of us.
1. Think of something you know you need to do, but that you don't want to do.
2. Stop waiting and go do it.
3. Don't listen to me.
4. Don't let me tell you what to do.
5. Do what you want.
And that's an example of a lose-lose win-win.
An expression as, "forget the past" or "being too skeptical"
Shut up and lose the crystal ball already!!!