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Losing your man privilege

When someone goes ching-chong in your ding-dong

losing your man privilege is funny until it happens to you

by retardJim69420 February 11, 2021

Can’t win for losing

When you voluntarily lose (to make someone feel better, to end an argument), and then the situation gets even worse. So, what you thought you would gain by losing on purpose is lost anyway.

It’s a colloquial equivalent to paving the road to hell with good intentions.

(A lot of people writing their definitions for this are trying to make logic out of the phrasing but weren’t around when this phrase was more popular, leading to incorrect definitions.)

I let my spouse win the argument to calm down the situation, and now I’m getting criticized for not sticking up for myself. I can’t win for losing!

by Jemie Weino October 8, 2022

National losing balls day

June 8th is national losing balls day. Dedicated to all the girls out there who choked and accidentally swallowed some balls

You sucked them too hard they fell off!
Sorry! i accidentally chocked on them
well i guess today is national losing balls day!

by Hinkerdinker101 June 9, 2023

Lose Virginity December

Girls and boys are able to lose their Virginity to anyone who's down. It doesn't matter if they are in a relationship as long as there down.

Bro I'm bout to participate in Lose Virginity December.

by YaBoiZED November 5, 2019

lose a mower

losing a mowing in plants vs zombies is basically ego death because of how easy the game is, so losing a mower is ego death of the highest extreme.

" I'd rather die than lose a mower"
"Death or mower loss"

by Manmanmanman September 6, 2023

Losing my monkeys

A series of words to show how funny something is.

"Fabian is Losing my monkeys at that meme"

by twookie September 17, 2022


You landed here because you can't keep "lose" and "loose" apart.

"lose": Hey man, how the hell did we lose this round in CS?
"loose": Damn Ritchie, I'm telling you, Sarah's cunt is loose as fuck.

by WllyWnkr April 1, 2021