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She’s not a good friend but isn’t sensitive usually the friend to have tiktok and is a Extreme crack head. But Mariah is very stubborn and will stop being your friend over small things like guys. She talks behind people’s back often and can be a total dick but she usually doesn’t have any sisters, (Meaning no experience) and she doesn’t understand girl issues. She’s quick to pick up on other people’s flaws and thinks so highly of herself. But she will he your bestie for as long as possible, usually ending the friendship because she’s stupid. Also super rude and will hate you if you make a mistake.

I have a stereo typical “Mariah”

Friend that’s a crack head and mostly (not really) loyal

Friend: Hey I like you (guy)
Guy: me too let’s date
Mariah: sends pics behind (friend’s) back

Mariah: * Buys friend starbucks *

But the guy doesn’t end up liking her

by NeighborSprayPaintsTheirGrass June 17, 2020


Mariah is a very pretty, nice, stupid, funny, loving, and sometimes caring person. A Mariah has big boobs.. Mariah probably had a lot of boys trying to text her but she only loves one person. Mariah is loyal and very honest in relationships.

Yo is that Mariah look at her boobs 😩

I need a girlfriend like Mariah

by De3z_nuTz November 22, 2021


Very annoying person, normally a scorpio. Mariah's normally have anger issues and are vengeful.

Girl 1: that girl is so annoying is she a scorpio?
Girl 2: Ye, I think her name is Mariah.
Girl 1 : obviously.

by Mariah The Scorpio February 25, 2023


a girl who can be a complete and utter asshole but she can be very creative and funny when bot trying. she is very sensitive and caring. but if you piss her off she will try to make you regret it. but if your friends with her be careful but try to compliment her itll keep her happy and she also tends to have quite a temper. but in the end she can be a very good girl.

man mariah is so annoying but she can draw.

by Aj_the_fucking_savage October 29, 2018


A Mariah is a person who is extremely knowledgeable in the nazism arts. Mariahs are also known to pull reverse Michael Jackson’s and in doing so they like white cheddar popcorn a bit too much. Mariah is known to do some NSFW stuff with dog.( Bentley)

Look that Mariah is doing the the hitler salute while pulling a reverse Michael Jackson.

by July 27, 2021


Mariah is a thick ass bitch who was addicted too lots of drugs but then turned her life around. She gets all the guys but does not admit it and she will always make you laugh. If you ever meet a Mariah DO NOT bring up her mom because she has lots of issues with her mother. She is also a huge freak and will try too fuck drug dealers even though she is sober.

Damn Mariah is bhadd

by Izzy Rodriguez November 13, 2020


Phylogeny bitch that will mess w ur emotions and when she gets a boyfriend she’ll definitely choose him over you she’s ugly af if her last name is Johnson RUN


Person 1: bro is that Mariah
Person 1: Mariah Johnson

Person 2: I think so

Person 1: run!

by zbf💞 July 18, 2019