The Most Piece of Shit Piece of Shit Ever
Person 1: Adam is pretty cool
Person 2: Nah Fam he's a Fagit Mcgee
Hot, sexy, incredibly beautiful
You're a very cool Graden McGee
What you may call someone in place of crap.
You ate my pudding you Crappy-Mcgee!
A girl that would make you cheat on your significant other. The girl tends to have big tits. Referring to Bombshell McGee.
*Jared eyes a jogger with intent*
Jared: "Tits fucking McGee!!!"
That one guy that always takes his stupidity one step too far.
Fuck that Ethan guy is such a stupid McGee.
A bad ass on YouTube. He'll beat up all the males in your family and date all the females in it. All in one day.
Sully: I wish I was kitty mcgee. Look at him kicking ass and pulling all the hotties.
(1) A tactic in the board game RISK, where a treaty is formed between two adjacent territories, followed by the army of one said territory attacking the other via a separate adjacent territory.
(2) An agreement towards specific terms that specify the means but not the end result.
(3) Agreement not to have a frontal sexual encounter, ie “make love”, only to have penetration from behind, even if it means a good ol’ fashioned raping.
(1) We agreed not to attack each other from North Africa or Brazil, but after I thinned out my reinforcement he totally Risky McGee'ed me and conquered North Africa through Western Europe. That bastard.
(2) I asked her if she wanted to go to the movies with me, and she said "sure". But when we got there, she ended up seeing a different movie with another guy. I think I just got Risky McGee'ed.
(3) Sure, I told him I wasn’t going to have sex with him. But I didn’t let him know I was going to have GAY sex with him. It was a classic Risky McGee.