The female partner's shoulders are on the floor, her back is against the front of a couch and her undercarriage is up in the air. The male partner mounts from a standing position, alternating between the pink hole to the stink hole while spiraling in a counterclockwise direction.
Well doctor, La Fawnduh insisted that I give her a Reverse Mongolian Drill Press, and it was wonderful...But I think I sprained my penis.
A physically and/or mentally demanding vacation that usually results in a new found respect for the people/place visited and a renewed sense of perspective on life. Derived from Vincent’s vacation to Mongolia in September 2011
Kiran: Vince, you look completely exhausted. Didn’t you just come back from vacation?
Vincent: Yeah totally dude, but it was a Mongolian vacation.
Mongolian Foreskin Lengthening : An ancient Mongolian technique used for pleasure OR as a battle tool to help act as a human lasso to detain their enemies; This is performed by gathering as much skin as possible and tying it with a string in which is pulled for three hours each day for two weeks; Modern day people may perform this to use as a noose or a waist band.
Mongolians: Good thing we used our Mongolian Foreskin Lengthening, we captured 500 men!
Modern: Did you hear the news? An 8 year old boy used the Mongolian Foreskin Lengthening to kill himself. How tragic.