When you try to be moral about something, but then you scratch it.
Nahid: Wow, he was not a nice guy.
Matt: Well that's because he was on MORAL TURNTABLES.
Daniel Morales also translates to “me” in English
Daniel: The next person to say anything related to the weather owes me $10
John:Oh me as in DANIEL MORALES
Daniel morales also means “me” in English
Daniel: The next person to say anything related to the weather owes me $10
John:Oh you mean me as in Daniel Morales
When Blizzard says morally grey they mean that they wanna make you intrigued with the story and later lowkick you with a reveal that's just a cop out.
Sylvanas is morally grey, it's not that simple, just wait and see. She burns down the tree because a random Night elf made her sad.
When Blizzard says Morally Grey they just wanna get you intrigued in the story and to later lowkick you with a cop out that's just not even grey...
Sylvanas is morally grey, it's not that simple, just wait and see. 9 Months later she burns down the tree because a random Night elf made her tell her backstory.
Morally grey is not what Sylvanas Windrunner is doing.
Killing a bunch of night elves becasuse you are pissed is NOT morally grey.