Soft, weak, or unmotivated to exert any physical or mental effort. Often of Magoon decent.
The new guy is such a Nancy. He can’t handle hot sauce.
Nancy is a girl who is in a show Stranger Things
She can fall in love with a guy that works in an ice cream shop
someone who sleeps with their friends boyfriends
nancy: i shagged my mates bf last night
alfie: makes sense your a nancy
Synonym of gorgeous, beautiful and amazing. Nancy has traits of grey eyes and other beauty, alongside a perfect personality.
Matty: Omg she’s so pretty wtf
You: Yeah, she’s definitely a Nancy!
The most drama kids of all the drama kids. The literal definition of a drama kid.
Man 1: God she never stops singing!
Man 2: I know she is such a Nancy Coates
Describes the insane, life-changing, out of this world head (blowjob) one received.
Based off of Kitty Kelley's biography stating that Nancy Reagan (yes, Ronald Reagan's wife) “was renowned in Hollywood for performing oral sex.”
She gave that Nancy Neck to me last night!