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Ryan neil


Ryan Neil is ugly

by Ilikechickens1 November 8, 2019

Neil moment

A Neil moment is a way to describe or call a situation in were a person tries to act cool or get attention by saying things like. My Laptop broke or I lost my book. And then you or someone else points out that its a bad thing the person says some deus ex machina crap and says oh wait I fixed it.

Neil: Hey bro just got some weird dots in my eyes from looking at the son.
Me: Yoo you could get blind are you ok?
Neil: Nevermind i just put my hand on my eye and pushed it and its fixed.
Me: Neil moment

by Zan van April 15, 2022

Shannon Neil

The most beautiful girl in the world who will make you happier than anyone alive, sucks cock like a pornstar and loves like no other, from the moment you’ll meet her you’ll want to marry her the moment you meet her, so hold on and never let go.

That girl I met last night she’s a real Shannon neil

by Shnsbf July 23, 2022

Neil Francis Edward

The sexiest man alive

Commoner: You know Neil Francis Edward, he is the sexiest man alive

by BIGMANDONTQUESTION November 20, 2020

Neil Diamond

When a man ejaculates on one’s knee cap.

Like a Pearl Necklace, but when seamen is targeted at the knee cap, it is indeed a Neil Diamond

Ron, when you are finished, will you please give me a Neil Diamond

by Alexc0524 January 4, 2020

Neil's Law

For every item dropped on the ground, by accident, each item will fall in a place where it becomes non visible.

I dropped my pill on the ground. Neil's law is in effect, as I can't see where it landed.

by neiltherealdeal May 18, 2015

Doing a Neil

Whipping it out in public,i.e a plane train bus.

Hey jonnys doing a neil

by ashan___ November 4, 2010