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Netflix Bait

A theatrical film release that, while expected to be entertaining, is not sufficiently interesting enough to entice you to travel to a movie theater. So instead, you wait for the movie to be released on your preferred streaming service (not necessarily Netflix).

In other words, a good movie that's not quite worth the high price of admission (and travel) to a theater. So just stream it instead.

Movie Watcher 1: The new Fast and Furious sequel looks amazing. But I feel like the franchise isn't offering anything new.

Movie Watcher 2: Agreed. Sounds like Netflix Bait. I can wait a few months to watch it.

by stanj85 August 20, 2018

The Netflix cruise

When you scroll through Netflix menu for about 30 minutes and then end up on the first thing you saw.

"hey babe can we get off the Netflix cruise" "sure thing pudding" ..... Puts on shrek.

by Bigjimmy987 December 23, 2020

Netflix and Chince

When Your SO doesn't put out during Netflix and chill.

I wanted to netflix and chill but she wanted netflix and chince

by Xenoterror February 11, 2016

drunk netflixing

similar to drunk dialing or drunk texting, it's when you are drunk and add items to your netflix queue. you don't realize you added the items until you receive a dvd in the mail that you have no memory of requesting.

you go to the mailbox and open your red envelope ready to watch the next episode of "it's always sunny in philadelphia", only to find that you have "marley and me" instead. and you're like WTF! how did this shit get in my queue?! i must have been drunk netflixing last week.

by shae shae 614 August 6, 2011

Orange Netflix

the hub

Dude! Did you hear Josh was caught watching Orange Netflix in class?

by ArsonLand July 20, 2022

netflix and jerk

When you try to Netflix and chill but she jerks away from the D

Cara is such a slut. I had to Netflix and jerk with her.

by Inc3st_g0at March 10, 2016

netflix education

An acquired world view based solely on the documentaries featured on Netflix. Individuals tend to have little or sub-par post-high school education. Individuals tend to surround themselves with like minded individuals (see "Circle Jerk") and very rarely read. They also tend to ride fixed-gear bicycles and hang in urban coffee shops and almost always vote as liberally as possible.

Person A: "And then he said we would be much better off if we would stop ignoring the greatest minds of our time, like Neil degrasse Tyson and Bill Nye".

Person B: "Was he joking?"

Person A: " No, he was really serious. He must have a Netflix Education."

by Blu_Portal April 7, 2016