The best person ever. Charming, hot as fuck, and gets all the women.
When you’re Norwegian friend (or brother) takes out a knife to win a fight because he’s utterly unconfident winning a fist fight with his boy
“Yo I heard you got Nicky knifed last night”
“Yeah bro my boy got tight over nothing and tried to Nicky knife me”
Nicki is an extraordinary girl who dreams big and is quite ambicious. She speaks her mind and always stand up to her friends, but she can also be a bitch sometimes.
Someone: Nicki scares me sometimes but I know she has a good heart
She can act like a b!tch at times but will have your back. She acts gay to her friends but in all honestly she has endless boyfriends. She often hides the way she feels and goes along with whatever the other kids say. But when she snaps SHE IS SAVAGE!
(Boy 1) Damn look at Nicki
(Boy 2) I know I can't believe I actually dated her.......
(Boy1) You and me both.
Nicki is just one of those people. One of those people who works so incredibly hard, and cares deeply about her friends. She is one of the most wonderful people you will ever meet, but just a heads up... she has a weird thing for math, and she will cheat on you with both math and physics before you can even ask her on a date. Plus, she has a desire to initiate an orgy school for children... protect your children! Good luck with Nicki.
It seems like you pulled off a Nicki this summer.
You're like Nicki reincarnated!
Usually a guy that is quit sound but he is also a right prick at times.Usually seen wearing a waistcoat when he works in a office and parks in the disabled parking because he can.You can’t get a word in edgeways with him because he talks a lot and your scared if you interrupt he will sack u.Otherwise nice guy 9/10
Nicki wears a waistcoat and enjoys it.