Nicolas/Nicholas/Nick/ Nicky(i) is the best friend/ boyfriend you will ever have he is caring, funny, and unforgettable. He has the nicest eyes, good hair, and great personality. Even though he sounds like the guy of almost evey girls' dream, he has a.hard time with the ladies. He can never find the courage to tell a girl how he feels. If he has a crazy girl best friend she might be falling from him and vice versa. But Nick is afraid of rejection so he does shoot his shot even though she is a sitting target. If you know a Nicolas/Nicholas/Nick/Nicky(i) keep them around for a while.
Nicolas's girl bff: I really like him Tiffany, what do I do?
Tiffany: What do you see in him anyway, he's pretty annoying?
Nicolas's girl bff: Tiff, do you not see how cute he is?
Tiffany: No I don't.
*later in the day*
Tiffany: OMG Brianna isn't Nicolas so cute.
Brianna: I'm sorry girl, but Nick is love with his best friend Amy.
Tiffany: Damn it!
did you know that people can write here definitions and then post 'em on instagram just to grab attention?
i should write an example with nicolas in
I just create this world because i didn’t believe none did it before. Seriously? Nicolas, nicolò, nicolai, nicolaj, nicoletta, NICLAS but none write something about us. Is this means Nicola are inferior? Hell no! Maybe none of us want public a story about his name in urban dictionary but if one of us want it i’m here for you brother.
Hear me guys if u know one Nicola give him an hug, look in his eyes saying: i love you.
Check the sentences below to learn how to use our name i wrote the 3 most commonly used
Sorry i can’t answer the question, i forgot Nicola in my car.
-We are done.. he is coming. -who? -Nicola.
STOP! Ohhh! Plss. Mmh mmh. Not there! Nicola aaaaah
Person 1: Omg, It’s Nicolas!
Person 2: Gyatt
Person 3: Ew look at those shoes 💀🙏🏼
Nicola is a clever guy that see's and knows a lot, but he dont show that. Nicola is also loyal and nice. Nicola will watch that you are happy even uf himself isn't is.