Source Code


A term created by Cindy B. Gilbert addressing the keyboard command control-F that allows you to search a webpage for a certain term or phrase.

Amy: Are you actually reading all this stuff?
Cindy: No, I'm just control-fucking the page to get the gist of it.

by Ginger Kesha March 27, 2016

Controller Licker

An apparent "gamer girl" who claims she plays games but really fakes it and licks the controller..

Being called a "Controller Licker" Is far worse then any swear word in the online gaming community.

Jacki: O.M.G. I love playing games, im such a gamer. #CoDrules

AJ: You're nothing but a disgrace to the online community.. you're just a controller licker

by AYjAY July 11, 2013

olisa controller

The olisa controller is when you have a controller that is missing almost all functions like buttons triggers and it must always is broken

ayo bro wtf he got the olisa controller

by memezcar November 29, 2021

Palmed Controller

A video game controller that is rather warm and has excess amounts of sweat, dead skin, and residue from any food, such as Doritos, that had been previously eaten

Guy 1: Hey can I play Mario?
Guy 2: Sure but the other controller is a palmed controller
Guy 1: Aw man this one has Macaroni on it!

by Sdale June 21, 2011

Johnson control

Phrase used to refer to a condom by women as a condition for receiving sex. Alludes to the permissive control device of mechanical equipment the must be engaged before operation of a hydraulic piston. A shield, cover, or interlock that permits a piston to function, and protects people.

If you expect to get any; You better have a johnson control, or keep your Johnson under control.

by Americus Null-Dalit June 9, 2013

controlled explosion

When you cum in your pants & forget to clean.

Jerry: I finished in my pants yesterday.
Tom: Oh, so you had a 'controlled explosion'.

by LilYachtyBoat January 7, 2018

ps4 controller

It works so good u have to tri it

I do not have a ps4 controller

by To. The more adot did. App January 13, 2021