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Slapout, ok

Slapout, Ok. Population : 12
Well maybe 18 by now. Literally. This little Podunk town, town? Can you even call that a town? Its on the map, seriously. Check it out. Northwest Oklahoma, smack dab in the state's "armpit". Probably explains the smell of this little town. Or could be the Feed Lots. Or just your brothers step aunts husbands cousins outhouse. Small town, close relations. If ya ever get a chance to drive by Slapout, don't blink. And watch out for rouge cattle and the ocassional horny toad. Speaking of that, better keep an eye out for Uncle Bubba Papa Cuz too.

Don't hang around slapout, ok too long, it starts to rub off on you, you'll come home and ask your sister to the prom.

by Doinyamom February 5, 2016

6๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

ok corral

Location in Tombstone Arizona where, in 1881, Wyatt Earp, Doc Holliday, Virgil and Morgan Earp fought te McLaurys and Clantons in a gunfight, standoff-style.

In modern day terms, a rough part of a town can be referred to as the "OK corral", or a place where 'gangster' fights often take place. Can also be used as a state of emotion, i.e. the two children were ok corral- or on the verge of a standoff.

I'd rather be A-ok then OK corral. Damn, I am so gangster! Look at these gats I be packing! Shiiiiit!

by mf doom June 7, 2006

23๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ok Boomer

An already overused unoriginal response the youngsters say to boomers, aka baby boomers or older people.

They say it in an attempt to be witty and shut down conversations, because they are tired of listening to older people, older people who are even more sick and tired of these young whiny entitled children.

When a youngster does not have an argument or anything original to say they say okay boomer because someone else said it and it's trendy to copy others in 2019.

Especially youngsters nowadays, little rascals!

Boomer: "Hello!"
Youngster: "Ok Boomer."
Boomer: "I'll get double cheeseburger with large fries."
Youngster: "Your total is $5.99 first window."
Boomer: "You look adorable in your little uniform, look at you joining the workforce finally becoming less of a burden on society, great job!"
Youngster: "Ok Boomer."
Boomer: "Is that the new iPhone?"
Excited youngster: "Yeah! I just got it thurs...
Interrupting Boomer: "Don't care! Ha! Got eeem! See you later Chad!"
Youngster: "OKAY BOOMER! Damn they didn't hear me, oh well I'll say to the next customer. Welcome to McDonalds Can I take your order?"
Boomer #2: "Hello!"
Youngster: "Ok Boomer."

by Odd_James November 26, 2019

20๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

umm ok

two simple words you say when you don't have an answer to the really awkward thing your friend just said. And then they go WAAAATTT ITS TRUE.... and then you reply with the same answer "umm ok"

*In a crowded place that just got quiet*

You: umm ok?! 0.o


You: umm ok?! 0.o

by urban_queen January 10, 2012

40๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ok Kangana

Indian Counterpart of the phrase "Ok Karen"

"Ok Kangana, your Tweets are marked manipulated media. Still you are preaching fake news!"

by ppseal January 28, 2021

11๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

lol ok

When a person does not agree with a sentence and they're a passive-agressive son of a bitch so they send you this.

"Hey, you know what would be really fun? Doing math homework!"
"lol ok"

by ZUMUL February 13, 2018

14๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ok cool

When they say ok cool it dont really mean ok cool.mainly used when arguing

Ganja the beef is squashed- ok cool

by Ganja gunz June 1, 2019

31๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž