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Fuck Pride Month

Fuck Pride month why do gays and all them need a whole month who cares if youโ€™re gay nobody besides yโ€™all gays yโ€™all are just like anyone else but you like the opposite gender or both

Nobody cares if youโ€™re gay Fuck Pride month

by Pizzaboy6942085 June 4, 2022

411๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

a sense of pride and accomplishment

What you will feel when unlocking a character in an EA game.

Shit, it took 40 hours to get Darth Vader, but damn do i feel a sense of pride and accomplishment.

by UltimateN555 February 5, 2018

88๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

too much pride

Not willing to let down your guard down enough, due to an over-exaggerated perception of self, to the point you might actually keep yourself from personal gain or harm or hurt others.
Not willing to give in, selfish.. Too good to give in due to ones own perception of circumstances. Unwillingness to change. Insecurity or fear of giving in. Unknown damage to oneself... and the person doesn't care because they have "too much pride".

He had too much pride to hug her when she cried.
He had too much pride to take the ride that was offered so he walked through the stormy weather.
She had too much pride to change her ways so she stayed a hoe.
She had too much pride to fill out the lengthly application, so she continued to wait on men to take care of her even if she still would be broke, disrespected, or taken advantage of.
He had too much pride to apologize and correct his wrongs even though he knew he wasn't right, so he lost the love of his life.

by Char Recee December 4, 2015

108๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Swallow Your Pride

to accept that you have to do something that you think is embarrassing or that you think you are too good to do

Swallow your pride and call your daughter to tell her you're sorry.

by Anonymous348546 December 24, 2013

216๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pride Fighting Championships

It all started on October 11, 1997 in the Tokyo Dome. This is by far the best of the best when it comes to mixed martial arts(MMA). It has the best fighter roster out of all the MMA events. For instance, it holds the greatest Heavy-Weight champion of all time in Fedor Emelianenko. It also has other great fighters like Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira, Josh Barnett, Mark Hunt, Wanderlei Silva, Mauricio Rua, Dan Henderson, Takanori Gomi. Also, Pride FC is great because it has rules that allow for true MMA action like kicks to the head and knees to the head on the ground.

UFC Fan: Hey man did you catch the latest UFC card?
Pride Fan: No, I was too busy watching skilled fighters on the Pride Fighting Championships card.

by Josh1510 January 22, 2007

71๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

pitch-in pride perker

pitch-in pride perker is a person who "sacrifices" themselves at pitch-in dinners. At a pitch-in dinner someone always brings in something that looks or sounds terrible, they are the ones who take a slice so the person who brought it doesn't know that their food is gross.

Johnny - " What the Hell is that pile of crap over on that platter?"

Alan - " That is my grandma's "Pig intestines stuffed with gopher milk. I am taking a slice just so Granny doesn't start crying. I won't eat it, just remove it from the platter and throw it away.

Johnny- Man you are one "pitch-in pride perker", I wish I could be more like you.

by Mitchell man November 4, 2009

Gamer Pride Month

Gamer Pride Month is a month to celebrate the most oppressed group, Gamers. Society oppresses gamers every day, we deserve time to celebrate who we are. The exact month is undecided as of July 1st, 2019, however small groups of gamers have set their own months out for gamer pride such as July and November.

The reasons i like November for Gamer Pride is the following:
Weather is at the optimal time to have an excuse to stay inside, as itโ€™s cold, so no bright sunny days, yet just too warm for snow more often than not.

โ€œGamer Pride Month should be in julyโ€
โ€œNo it needs to be in novemberโ€
โ€œWhy canโ€™t it just be june?โ€
โ€œIt has to be december!โ€
โ€œWhy are we having this argument again?โ€

by Sin Breezy July 2, 2019

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