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private school problems

Where celebrity children go to school

and are completely forgotten.

Student 1: Hey you suck at football
Student 2: Fuck you, my dad used to play for the NFL
Student 1: Shit my bad man, private school problems what can I say? My dads a politician.

by laxalldayeveryday March 10, 2017

Peekaboo Privates

A phenomenon where your penis pokes out of the front opening in your underwear.

Jake: I almost got pantsed while I was having peekaboo privates.
Kyle: That would’ve been embarrassing

Jake: ikr?

by BeckBro_ January 26, 2022

Internal Private Virtualized Environment (IPVE)

A virtualized computing environment that lies within an organization's security perimeter, which takes advantage of virtualization technologies to maximize an organization's hardware utilization.

Sometimes referred to as a private cloud.

Internal Private Virtualized Environment (IPVE) -

Sometimes referred to as a private cloud.

by Jon-R GCS January 4, 2011

private security

when you have a 185mm nuke up someone elses ass

i just hired private security?

by Cody5050 January 13, 2021

Smurfy Privates

Smurfy Privates is a condition that one is blessed with after they have received cunnilingus from somebody who has eaten too many berrymans fizzy blue babies.

I was up at Reginald's yesterday, we were eating fizzy blue babies - they were so peng!! Then all of a sudden I look down and I have got a smurfy willy. He looked up at me proudly, "It has been my life long dream to give someone Smurfy Privates."

by kamikamila January 5, 2022

PDA- 'Private Display of Affection'

PDA- 'Private Display of Affection'

When your partner hasn't showered in over a week and you become sexually aroused by their sweaty gym seth, to the point where you uncontrollably lick the f*** out of their armpits, crotch area and sweaty ass.

Catching a whiff of their pesky BO and frantically licking their private parts builds your immune system whilst showing

PDA- 'Private Display of Affection' to your significant other.

by Pagan God-Satyr March 9, 2018

Private Call

A Skype call consisting of two people, either in a 1 on 1 call or "privately" in a group call.

"Christina and Schmozilla were too busy with their private call to join us."
"Enrico and Benjamin enjoy regular private calls, as it is a healthy part of their relationship."

by Tessacotta-Bitch March 13, 2016