A puke baby is when one vomits into their partner, typically through anal or vaginal means. Then the partner is required to shake themselves to ready the baby before pushing out into the first partner's mouth.
Me and my girlfriend really like to experiment, so we tried to make a puke baby
The slimy salvia that fills your mouth right before you vomit
I am so hung-over, I have been getting puke sweat all morning.
When a particular person or 'yute,' ingests a vast and unadvisable amount of cinnamon flavoured vodka. Then unwillingly proceeds to vomit a blend of cinnamon, half digested food and stomach acid.
"Corr Joel choked on cinnamon Puke last night it was disgusting".
The act of vomiting into a slow moving vehicle during a parade or procession then immediately disappearing into the crowd. Usually done to cop cars in parades in an act of protest/civil disobedience
I was in New Orleans for Mardi Gras and saw a cop car get puke and juked!
When one who smokes marijuana coughs so deeply that they induce their third gag reflex (right above the opening to your stomach inside of the esophagus ), and vomits.
If I smoke in the mornings, I will almost always stoner puke.
That girl totally stoner puked into that case of beer.
No you can't smoke with us because you usually end up stoner puking.
A sworn oath made by a person out loud into a toilet in between uncontrollable dry heaves and torrents of vomit, offered as negotiation with God if He will end the pain.
"I puke promised to stop jackin off to nasty shit, but I threw up like four more times."
Poorly articulated ideas puked onto a notepad in bad handwriting containing potential for future academic research studies, saved for later.
Here's some brain puke for a comparative study of criminality and sociality in the context of community.