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River Valley Secondary School

its a very prestigious school but then there was a very tramatic experience in the school.
During July, There was a murder at the school, it is damm sad πŸ˜”πŸ˜”

β€œbro you want to go to river valley secondary school ah?”
β€œremember to check your corners ah”

by yourmothercbnice August 15, 2021

9πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

International Secondary School Eindhoven

A gay, long way of saying the ISSE...

Example One:
Idiot Fucktard: "I'm so excited, I'm going to the International Secondary School Eindhoven now!!"
Stoner: "Shut the FUCK up you STUPID fuck!! its called the fucking ISSE!!!"
Idiot Fucktard: -runs away crying-
Stoner: -laughs, rolls a joint and smokes some edu-

by thecrimsonking November 3, 2010

4πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

South St. Paul Secondary

A school which is full of gays and emos. Nobody likes the school and the district is famous for pedos, such as Mr. Gay and that one band teacher. 1/3 of the grade leaves before freshmen years because its that bad. Not to mention all the hoes and cucks. Tik Tok before the memesters would beat that school any day.

"that school South St. Paul Secondary sucks"

"i know but theres so many hoes there i could probably get my dick sucked for free, with all their cuck boyfriends watching"

by bababbaabbabaabababab420 December 3, 2018

3πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Notre Dame secondary defense

1. a harem of faggots that would sooner blow the opposition's offensive stars than actually play football
2. also known as Charlie Weiss' backyard butt-fucking buddies

Wow, the Notre Dame secondary defense tonight looks as confused as a 14-year-old gay kid!

by pissedoffndfan November 29, 2009

7πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

Turner Fenton Secondary School

Mkay, so basically, Turner Fenton Secondary School (TFSS) is like the hugest school ever in the Peel District School Board. It's famous for its IB program, CultureFest and TrojanFest.

Apparently, graduates are known to attend those reputable colleges/universities. (like McGill and whatever)

It is populated by a LOT of brown kids (no wonder the cafs sell curry so often!), and the occasional white and black wannabe gangstas. Oh yeah, and those random asian kids too.

The computers suck ****. Don't even get me started about that dinky little library that's always crowded (the first school ever where kids actually READ!!!!)

"Turner Fenton Secondary School operates under the Peel District School Board, and is credited as one of the highest funded schools in Ontario, with an endowment of $1.4 million." - Wikipedia (that's for all the kids who say that TFSS is poor)

by aeranala December 17, 2011

10πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž

Rose Bay Secondary Collage

Rose Bay Secondary Collage a shitty school in Eastern Sydney known for being the only on public school in the most wealthy part of Australia. Rose Bay full of shit scum povo kids who are so poor because there parents spend so much money paying the rent in their 2 bedroom flat just so they can be in good area. The school is full of Eshay’s and school shooter it is quite remarkable how the school hasn’t been shot up yet. But overall Rose Bay Secondary Collage is said by the teachers to be a school full of community achievement and much more when in fact if you have no friends there you will probably get bashed multiple times on campus and be forced to sucide.

My children are going to Rose Bay Secondary Collage because what is the point of going to a private school

by AustralianPerson October 21, 2019

2πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Raffles Girls' School ( Secondary )

RGS is an amazing school with tons of greenery and in the classrooms, the table and chairs have wheels ! Although RGS may seem competitive, its environment is actually really chill considering from my experience as an RGS student. RGS is tied w NYGH in my opinion for the top girls school in singapore . NYGH is more chinese as it is a chinese school but if you are looking for an elite, english school, RGS is for you! the teachers are encouraging and nice but they expect quite alot from you so the RGS environment can be stressful. Homework is alot but with gd time management , homework can be finished by 9pm. CCA is alot more fun in RGS , and the seniors are amazing to a whole another level. however, pls know that there are many many many little tests and examinations which will be graded. Overall RGS is an elite school where u make amazing frens tho they can be abit more sensitive and you will have a fun fufilling time here !

"wow....... You go to Raffles Girls' School ( Secondary )? you must be great in academics!"

by LOVE BROCOLI February 17, 2022

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