Scottish phrase for intercourse. Indication that you want a shag. A plea for a ride.
After plying your partner with a right good bevvy: "Fancy a shot on the swings hen?
Getting drunk by pouring alcohol into your penis. The alcohol soaks into the membrane like when you Butt Chug.
Look at Dennis, he's so fucki'n hammered on snake shots, I bet his dick is gonna burn like a son of a bitch tomorrow.
A hook shot or "sky-hook" from beyond the 3-point line in basketball, usually preceded by a half-skip. The shooter typically announces "phip shot" while taking the shot. Popular on the playgrounds in Cincinnati during the 1950's and 60's.
"I can't believe he made that phip shot at the end of the game"
"If that guy takes one more phip shot, he's off the team"
When a tampon is left in the toilet and swells up to the size of a rat, with the string resembling the tail. The more blood the better to complete the illusion.
Her: I had to rush out of the house to work this morning
Him : I could tell by the shot rat you left for me to flush
A drink that consists of two shots of vodka, Redbull, cranberry juice, and is taken immediately after one takes a drag off of a cigarette and a joint.
Person A: Did you see Aaron last night? He looked pretty far gone.
Person B: Yeah, I heard he had like four doom shots.
A term commonly used when shooting a firearm on a timed range at a target and not using your front or rear sights due to being under stress.
Wow the target was only 7 yards away how did you miss. Did you just shoot a fuck it shot?
A 9 oz cup of hard alcohol which is to be consumed in one gulp
Dude that is not a shot that is a cup. Dude it's a lubin shot, man up