Is the act of having sex while a female is on her period, as you cum inside her. She proceeproceeds to squirting the mixture on her hands and throwing it at his face. Similar to a dirty snowball.
My wife likes to perform the Fiji Snowball on me once a month on exocric theme night.
when you eat your own cum out of someone else's ass and they don't use mouthwash
"I didn't dirty snowball' Sarah because it wasn't my cum, I'm a virgin. I just kissed her after she licked another man's asshole, without using mouthwash."
when you kiss someone (lovingly) after eating your own cum out of their ass
"that wasn't a dirty snowball, the kiss wasn't loving, and it was someone else's cum."
when you kiss someone (lovingly) after eating your own cum out of their ass
jack and five others had a dirty snowball fight
When a chick fucks your dad without telling you, then 20 minutes later, you unknowingly suck the cum out of her snatch
Moon is a Generational Snowball
When somebody refers to their cat, of whom is named Snowball.
Thomas: My cat Fluffy is very fluffy and he scratches everything.
Max: My cat Snowball is calm and likes breaking into my room because he found out how to open the door and he just sits there and cuddles me.
Thomas: Cool.
When a male proceeds to jizz on a snowball and throw it at their friends or family
Ryker keeps hitting me with his kinky snowballs