A group of friends on Discord that have roles as gods and will execute you if you dont join
When a woman's sucking a cock and it goes soft in her mouth and squirms about and pops out the side, but she carries on in a vein ettempt to get it hard again
He had too much to drink last night so it was just a wiggly squid in my mouth
To have spaghetti hanging out your mouth. You are embarrassed because you cant suck it in so you proceed to shake your head from side to side creating a 'multi-squid' effect.
I was on a date with Emily. I was eating spaghetti. It just wouldn't go in so I just multi-squid (ed). She loved it and had some of my spaghetti so she could try it.
Thom "Look at that girl shes got spaghetti sauce all over her face".
Ashley"Argh she must have multi-squid (ed)"
the urban dictionary mods that won't accept my new, and better definition for Javier. he's a god and you're all too coward to admit it.
the mods are fucking squid pisses
Squid Pride is a video by Uncle Al. In the video, Mr. Krabs teaches Squidward how to be gay so he can enter the Salty Splooge.
Squid Pride is one of my favorite Youtube videos.