when you are stuck or can not get out of an area
if you are stuck then you cant get out of then area or space
"I'm stuck!"
help i'm stuck in the dictionary
This word is used when ur stoned asf and your friend is holding the blunt/bong/pipe and is staring into space and not moving at all. Often times the stuck individual will have an arm rested on the knee while holding the blunt.
Jim took one hit off this Sour OG and was stuck
Once Cartman got stuck with emotional honesty, he could no longer repress negative or revealing feelings, and therefore could no longer repress others with his bullshit. Zeus had been gelded in return for what he did to Cronus, and now neither of them could wake up (and the world was better off without either mythological character hovering over them).
Cartman started blurting out more and more strange and personally revealing information after pretending to have Tourette's for a while. It was funny to him when he first started (though not to others who's lives he fucked with) but when he got stuck and couldn't stop due to his inherent lack of self-control, he could no longer repress his negative or revealing feelings, and along with his new found emotional honesty, people could see him for who he really was instead of the image he wanted them to see all the time.
Cartman wanted to try being a failure for fun, to see what it was like, but didn't want to get stuck as a failure all the time, like when he started pretending to have Tourette's to fuck with people's lives, then he ended up really being stuck with Tourette's and only his stuffed animals would tell him he was awesome, at least that was what he saw in his hallucination. Perhaps there was justice in the world.
The action of punching someone in the face or neck
Brandon was talking shit so TJ stuck hiss ass
When everywhere you go is someplace you don't want to be.
Bro, I was totally stuck in your mom last night.