A Chill and competitive fa clan with nab members. Also with a leader who grenades himself in tournaments
Haha,yes my name also poppy and I will describe myself and another poppy to,so if you saw a girl name poppy you better be friend with her because she is smart she will always teach you in every subject,she cute and somehow people like her because she kind,helpful, pretty and mostly cute!She can give you death stare if you told everyone her secret and you will literally get that if you do that to poppy..Also poppy really really love when people say good thing about her,and her crush always felt opposite then her..And it ok! If you're poppy and this also happened to you,you just need another man girl!Gotta keep going and don't stuck to the first man..and also you always kept BIG secret since you're kid,ʕ·ᴥ·ʔpeople say your playgirl but that not really what happened,you also very cute when you mad
Poppy my best friend !
Singer, Youtuber, Artist and full time CRAaaaaZY Person.
"I`m Poppy "
"I am Poppy "
"Poppy is sick?"
"Poppy is very si.."
a badass bitch who's humble and sweet
and she thicc too
guy 1: my girlfriend is so thicc and kind
guy 2: your girlfriend's a Poppy!
Poppy is really hot person who has the best vibe ,poppy is the coolest person you ever meet
Poppy means to be a dumb bitch, if you are called poppy your a dumb bitch.
Wow, poppy is really a dumb bitch.