Source Code

Bunging bouce

Inserting Is pretzel sticks into a man's urethra

Im about to start bunging bouce

by Cocksuck9293994494 December 7, 2021

Bung duncan

Bung Duncan is a nickname for a leader 9r ruler

Aye misa bung Duncan wys g

by Phat master98 August 22, 2021

Big bung

Big bung is a phrase that means fat, overweight, size of the Eiffel tower.

he is Such a big bung man

by Gamrdies November 25, 2022

Bung thrabber

One that "thrabs" which is open handed cup spanking of the sphyncter, creating a popping sound🙀 the bunghole will dialate and pucker like a balloon knot! 🎈

" keep going big daddy, harder, you're the greatest bung thrabber ever!!

by Mr.Hemlock August 9, 2022

bung hurt

a state of discomfort similar to unwillilng anal penetration

I hope Doug isn't bung hurt that his name was used in the Urban Dictionary example of "bungover".

by Rev1guy February 27, 2014

boink! boink! dundundundundun pop! bung boing!!!

boink! boink! dundundundundun pop! bung boing!!!

i just boink! boink! dundundundundun pop! bung boing!!!
did you just boink! boink! dundundundundun pop! bung boing!!!?
yeah, i boink! boink! dundundundundun pop! bung boing!!!.

by Jupite January 20, 2022


a guy who will take anything from you most likely is your stepdad.

dad you are a bung.

by your local mom May 6, 2020