something u shove in someone's dick
person 1: hey
person2: hey
person 1: want a plastic dinosaur in ur in dick
person2: why not
Verbal and emotional actions when being gaslighted by someone. Overly dramatic crying,
yelling, or accusatory speech that follows in a gaslighter's dialog to redirect blame. So much so that you question your sanity, your judgments, and your morals beyond belief.
My ex would hit me with the PLASTIC LASERS. She'd go days without calling or texting me and when I'd ask her where she's been, she'd start crying saying 'you're so clingy NOW, but where are you when I need you.' Called me selfish and narcissistic. Never answered MY questions tho. Complete one-eighty on me. ."
The use of your baby cousins toys for sex. Most likely ockward shapes that can be used as a butt plug and a mouth plug for secret sex.
Guy 1: Hey, I used some Plastic Tootles on Karen last night
Guy 2: Well, where did you pull this michevious business
Guy 1: In the bathroom at a funeral
Also known as rent-a-cops, the plastic badges have no authority and are basically just a tattletale system for the actual police.
Yo the plastic badges were all up in my face today cuz i was walking my dog on the school's soccer field.
The large, locked cabinet in drug stores, often holding razors, mp3 players, medicine, etc. They are hated among most customers, because of the extra work needed when retrieving the products
"Can I get an employee to open this plastic fortress please!?"
"Gosh I hate CVS..."
Poorly constructed or cheaply manufactured fake or un important news that is released quickly with intent to distract.
Did you see the big news story that just came out? Yep more plastic news to distract us from the important stories.
The slang term for cocaine. Predominantly used people in the movie industry.
I did so much plastic popcorn while working on the set of spongebob.