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Scum whore

n. A swine of a woman so devoid of moral and mental virtue that the filthiest hole on her body is undoubtedly her mouth. Her asshole is second, if only she could pull her head out of it.

Why would the company think that scum whore would make a good PR manager?

by Guiness November 9, 2018

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goomba scum

Goomba Scum is used to define someone who takes someone else's significant other

Allen you took my girl! You're such goomba scum !

by Jason18989 April 18, 2016

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emo scum

An insult used to describe one of the emo subculture being literal trash

Ew, go away emo scum!

by Emoscumbabey666 February 18, 2019

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scum tindy

its like a regular tindy, but with that filthy, un-showered, greasy hair hanging all over your goggles, and your orange tights pants and gay-ass TJ max jacket un-zipped

basically, you grab near the tail of your board, and look dirty

cobie: "yo did you just see evan bust that huge scum tindy over the hip"

evan:"scum forever!"

by the postman May 19, 2008

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scum bagel

When your bagel doesn't have cream cheese on it.

"He has a scum bagel".
"Yeah, won't even let him but cream cheese on it".

by Brian4reel November 27, 2016

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Pond Scum


Found in ponds, scum on top. Pond scum.

by Mt457 June 20, 2013

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rebel scum

a sex position were you get butt fucked and recite star wars

i like to rebel scum you

by rhino2\ February 2, 2018

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