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Sneaky Pete

The combination of a bottle of liquor and a paper bag used to conceal the bottle. Since a paper bag covering a bottle has become synonomous with alcohol, concealment is rarely achieved

Guy 1: Man I could use some hard liquor right now
Guy 2: Good news. I brought a sneaky pete

by AnthonyR777 July 13, 2006

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The Sneaky Turner

When engaged in doggy style sex the male fakes ejaculation and the female, thinking sex is over, turns to face him and receives a swift cum shot to the face.

Last night I was having mundane sex and just to spice things up pulled The Sneaky Turner.

by peachy&creamy March 15, 2011

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Sneaky Zeeck

While you are having sex with a girl from behind, you "accidently" pull your dick out too far and then you sneak it into her butt.

Yo girl, you act right and Imma finna give you a sneaky zeeck.

by kzizzle May 1, 2007

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Sneaky Heckler

A movement that involves two people about to kiss, but one person sneakily cops a feel of the second unsuspecting person just as their lips connect. AKA "the surprise second base"

"Wow, did paul just go for a sneaky heckler on andre?"

"So we were drinking and right before we kissed he tried to pull off a sneaky heckler."

by Gdizzle420 April 14, 2009

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Sneaky Molusk

When you sneek up behind someone and unexpectingly grab both their nipples and give then a double nurple so hard it makes them cry also known as a double nurp

When I Sneaky molusked Vinny he screamed like a little bitch and then told me the next day both his nips were blue.

by From THS Pit Tim Vinny Mike Brian Chase October 14, 2004

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sneaky bolivian

when someone rides past a prostitute, while riding on a skateboard and slaps her with their penis.

while riding to the skatepark, i gave this whore a huge sneaky bolivian

by crackills24 December 8, 2008

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Sneaky Snagglebear

A guy who cuts a hole in his condom before he uses it.

" I just gave you a sneaky snagglebear! See you in 9 months!"

by Xpatriot April 2, 2007

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