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chip and a chair

All that a skilled player needs to win a poker game.

I put John all-in with my pocket aces. He called with three-nine offsuit and drew out on me, costing me nearly my entire stack. But I've still got a chip and a chair, and so I can still win, just like Jack Straus at the 1982 World Series of Poker.

by Sonicoed June 10, 2017

lettuce chair

Safe word generally used for when he or she puts it in the wrong hole

Top : oh yeah baby


by Honey mustard February 3, 2020

Horible chairs

Horible chairs are something Anix calls the folding chairs in bloxburg

They are Horible chairs.

by MercuryOfficial July 9, 2020

McAfee Chair

A chair with a hole cut in it so a person may defecate through the hole while they masturbate and/or receive sexually stimulation from a partner(s).

I got a hot date coming over later, got to break out my McAfee chair.

by HahahaButt February 12, 2021

Man Chair

A chair in shops (mainly clothing stores) for a poor male stuck waiting for a partner shopping. On occasion used by children also waiting for their mother.

What usually happens...
girlfriend: Oh my god! I love that dress!
-she walks into the store-
boyfriend (thinking): Oh crap! Not again!
-he looks into the store-
boyfriend (thinking): Thank god there is a man chair!
-he goes and sits on the man chair as his partner looks around the shop for an hour-
girlfriend: That dress doesn't come in my size!
boyfriend (thinking): Seriously?!

by soccer all November 26, 2016

Chair Cookie

Someone who contributes absolutely nothing to the world around them but merely sits there.

Student 1: Moe is such a chair cookie!
Student 2: Don't be so harsh. He got a 14 on that last math quiz!
Student 1: Yeah, but the teacher said she'd give us 14 free points for turning it in!
Student 2: Well, at least he turned it in.
Student 1: Actually, I found it on the floor and handed it in for him.

Student 2: Chair cookie.

by News Crew November 28, 2009

The Malectric Chair

Going to sit down in a wooden chair and sitting on your testicles.

My Doctor said I need to stop sitting on my balls. He thinks I'm purposely giving myself The Malectric Chair

by Brett50Cal July 11, 2012