All that a skilled player needs to win a poker game.
I put John all-in with my pocket aces. He called with three-nine offsuit and drew out on me, costing me nearly my entire stack. But I've still got a chip and a chair, and so I can still win, just like Jack Straus at the 1982 World Series of Poker.
Safe word generally used for when he or she puts it in the wrong hole
Top : oh yeah baby
Horible chairs are something Anix calls the folding chairs in bloxburg
They are Horible chairs.
A chair with a hole cut in it so a person may defecate through the hole while they masturbate and/or receive sexually stimulation from a partner(s).
I got a hot date coming over later, got to break out my McAfee chair.
A chair in shops (mainly clothing stores) for a poor male stuck waiting for a partner shopping. On occasion used by children also waiting for their mother.
What usually happens...
girlfriend: Oh my god! I love that dress!
-she walks into the store-
boyfriend (thinking): Oh crap! Not again!
-he looks into the store-
boyfriend (thinking): Thank god there is a man chair!
-he goes and sits on the man chair as his partner looks around the shop for an hour-
girlfriend: That dress doesn't come in my size!
boyfriend (thinking): Seriously?!
Someone who contributes absolutely nothing to the world around them but merely sits there.
Student 1: Moe is such a chair cookie!
Student 2: Don't be so harsh. He got a 14 on that last math quiz!
Student 1: Yeah, but the teacher said she'd give us 14 free points for turning it in!
Student 2: Well, at least he turned it in.
Student 1: Actually, I found it on the floor and handed it in for him.
Student 2: Chair cookie.
Going to sit down in a wooden chair and sitting on your testicles.
My Doctor said I need to stop sitting on my balls. He thinks I'm purposely giving myself The Malectric Chair