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Searching for copper wire coils

Used when someone is picking their pants out of their crack without knowing/disregard for others perception

I can’t go out with Jim, he’s always searching for copper wire coils. It’s gross, but admittedly funny that he thinks nobody sees him do it.

by Bairlyfunny May 31, 2024

White Wires

Cables for apple products.

See that kid over there? He only uses white wires!

by Flabberdabber September 17, 2017


pretty much a string

my sunglasses are held to my neck with wire

by notdrspaceman December 14, 2021


another word for wired headphones

i lost my wires

by lolurmon September 26, 2021


Skinny ass women

Yo that hoe a wire tryna act like she thicc

by Talmbout July 8, 2018


The thing Jesse says in Breaking Bad: Season 2, Episode 9, at around thirty eight minutes and forty one seconds into the episode.

"Ahh. Wire."

by I Smell Like Metal October 2, 2024


the weird thing that some people have on their airpods

kid: mommy, why does this man has wires on his airpods

mother: oh its nothing dont bother with that
mother in her head: i knew we shouldnt had moved in this neighbourhood

by bitch period February 16, 2019