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foreskins on toast

Nautical term for creamed chipped beef on toast.

It's foreskins on toast for breakfast!

by Chalie Rippin July 11, 2005

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Toast Babies

toast babies are what they sound like, baby toasts. made with tiny pieces of

bread and a toaster {tiny toaster is optional} they must be made with love and

both parties must consent to making them, nothing may be forced. they must have

at least two parents although they may have up to 9. if you happen to have

someone that is 76 years of age or older you may then add 2 additional parents

allowing the older people to take naps at regular intervals. if someone asks you

to make toast babies with them you should agree for this is a most amazing

offer. for it shows that they think you will show the toast babies enough love

and are fit to be a toast parent. it is frowned upon to not eat your toast

children after playing with them for a minimum 5 minutes, and is also forbid

that you eat them before 5 minutes. {rule does not apply to normal sized toast}

the toast children are happy to be eaten to both complete their life goals and

to nourish their loving parents. it is okay to be sad about your toast babies

being gone also.

person 1 walking up with a bag of mini bread

{not to be confused with mini waffles}

and a toaster says to person 2

"will you make toast babies with me?"

"gasp," says person 2. "what an honnor of course i will help you to make our

toast babies"

then they scamper off to find an electrical outlet and make their toast babies.

by CannibalHobo January 28, 2010

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Gamer Toast

Shake all of the crumbs out of your keyboard and put them together using Elmers glue for a delis snack while your in your toxic Fortnite game.

Hey, bro one sec I'm making some gamer toast so I can snack while pwning noobs.

by MeiTheGei March 16, 2019

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french toasted

To be french toasted is when you put egg whites, maple syrup and cinnamon in someones ass crack and have anal sex with them slapping them with bread.

"So the other night after getting my haircut I went home and got french toasted!"

by thefrenchtoast October 17, 2009

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Threshold of Toast

The few seconds you get to put cold butter on warm toast and have the toast accept that butter and melt it in. If you wait a moment longer the toast is not quite warm enough and you risk tearing the bread or having a butter mess on toast.

Let's discuss what I call "The Threshold of Toast" which is the few seconds you get to put cold butter on warm toast and have the toast accept that butter, while it softens it and soaks it up. That my friends is the Threshold of Toast. Enjoy some soon.

by Twistedest March 14, 2009

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Egg-on toast


west coast expression meaning a person who is a complete tool.

an "egg-on toast" is usually the younger sibling of a friend

Guy 1:"that guy is so annoying!"
Guy 2:"yeah, he's a real egg-on toast"

E-O T:"hey guys! hey! hey! i'm over here! heeeey!"
Girl 1:(to Girl 2)"oh. mygod. she/he is such an egg-on toast"

by J. Robinson May 4, 2009

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Cheese on toast

Absolutely spot on, hits the spot, perfect, rounded and complete. Think of a perfect snack as a perfect term used for perfection but not only that, a solid, grounded and wholesome one too!

"Her explanation of the impact of ICT on society was as full on and as perfect as cheese on toast" or "Cheese on toast!" Students response to anothers spot on explanation to the question of the week.

by angelontheside December 30, 2010

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