Someone who says 'Sksksksksksksk' every 5 secounds and uses "and i oop-" after every sentence. Uses metal straws and Always is talking about saving the turtles ALWAYS HAS SCRUNCIES AND A HYDROFLASK .
skskskskks save the turtles, and i oop-.
vsco girl trend
The most basic bitch there is. She will wear tons of Scrunchies, oversized t shirts, Nike shorts, crocks and will have a hydro flask. She will think it’s funny to say and I oop but it’s really not so shut your Burt’s bees lips bitch! Her laugh is like ”sksksk and I oop and I oop” if you see one of these girl RUNAWAY and AVOID they may cause a seizure from all the sksksk.
Friend #1 : “was hanging out with Jessica yesterday and she kept on trying to suck my dick with her hydro flask”
Friend #2 “oh cool dude she’s a real vsco girl”
A vsco girl is a new trend which is usually seen to have at least 2 scrunchies and is seen as 'basic'. The word vsco comes from the app vacs and the girl if she was on there would be ascetically pleasing and the apps 'model' in some ways. They are also seen as quite artsy looking and acting people
She looks across the road at the vsco girl
1. Girls who take “basic bitch” to the next level
Sksksksksk an i oop, they are such VSCO GIRLS
A vsco girl: a vsco girl wears oversized clothes,
Puts there hair up in a messy bun, always carries a expensive hydroflask and decorates it with huge stickers! uses a metal straw on everything they drink, and says SKSKSKSKKSKSK AND I -OoP 24-7!!
Omg look at that annoy vsco over there!
Vcso Girl: hi I’m a vsco girl who wears oversized clothes,
Puts there hair up in a messy bun, always carries a expensive hydroflask and decorates it with huge stickers! uses a metal straw on everything they drink, and says SKSKSKSKKSKSK AND I -OoP 24-7!!
A vsco girl: a vsco girl wears oversized clothes,
Puts there hair up in a messy bun, always carries a expensive hydroflask and decorates it with huge stickers! uses a metal straw on everything they drink, and says SKSKSKSKKSKSK AND I -OoP 24-7!!
Omg look at that annoy vsco over there!
Vcso Girl: hi I’m a vsco girl who wears oversized clothes,
Puts there hair up in a messy bun, always carries a expensive hydroflask and decorates it with huge stickers! uses a metal straw on everything they drink, and says SKSKSKSKKSKSK AND I -OoP 24-7!!
A vsco girl: a vsco girl wears oversized clothes,
Puts there hair up in a messy bun, always carries a expensive hydroflask and decorates it with huge stickers! uses a metal straw on everything they drink, and says SKSKSKSKKSKSK AND I -OoP 24-7!!
Omg look at that annoy vsco over there!
Vcso Girl: hi I’m a vsco girl who wears oversized clothes,
Puts there hair up in a messy bun, always carries a expensive hydroflask and decorates it with huge stickers! uses a metal straw on everything they drink, and says SKSKSKSKKSKSK AND I -OoP 24-7!!