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Gramma Wizard

An ugly old (or young but old LOOKING) woman who resembles or has features or characteristics of a wizard.

Girl- Thats her MOM? She looks so old!
Friend- Yeah, shes a Gramma Wizard.

by glambert4life June 22, 2010

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Sandwich Wizard

1: A great wizard who enjoys eating sandwiches, making sandwiches appear out of nowhere, turning things into sandwiches, turning PEOPLE into sandwiches, and racquetball.

2: That one person you may know who is ALWAYS eating a sandwich. It could be a classmate, a friend, a workmate, it doesn't matter. They just always seem to have a sandwich whenever you see them.

"Racquetball? Sandwiches? Wait, I know who you are! You're the sandwich wizard!!"

"He's some kind of sandwich wizard or something...He always pulls a sandwich out of his pocket the second we go on lunch break."

by SandwichWizard III April 26, 2009

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Tree Wizard

A tree warrior; superb in Vietnam and other jungle combat scnearios

Gandhi Tree Wizard

"That tree wizard just popped out of nowhere and slashed me with the plantation sickle!"

by Pseudonym... I mean... uh... John June 22, 2004

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Wizards chop

To chop ones penis with a wooden wand, roll of wrapping paper or a stick

β€œOh look he cannot walk”.... β€œhe has had a wizards chop”

by Paula2019 February 16, 2020

Chinese Wizards

Refers to the mysterious beings from the East, who are capable of performing unfathomable technological feats such as hacking the latest online games or unlocking the most restrictive firmware. The unsung legends with epicanthus from the land of bamboos can and will always blow your mind whether in shooter video games or in system moddings.

Miner 1: Urgh NVIDIA is going to limit the hashrate on RTX 3060 when mining ETH, what are we gonna do man

Miner 2: No worries man, the Chinese Wizards gonna work their magic and the firmware will be unlocked in no time after release lmao

by Umuless March 4, 2021

Wizard Yensid

Tyler1 but better and plays fortnite and has the worst mic on the entire twitch

dude #99999999999999999: yo dude #10000000000000000 you ever seen wizard yensid?
dude #10000000000000000: yeah he is my favourite twitch streamer

by Literally a person March 1, 2020

Wanking wizard

Somebody who is so good at masturbating that the can cum whenever they wish, weather it be later or sooner

You wanking wizard you, you always have time for a quick one.

by Blumchuck January 12, 2015