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Big Yak

When your girlfriend eats a Big Mac then starts giving you a blow job and pukes on Big Mac sauce all over your cock.

My girlfriend just gave me a big yak.

by PStew8 July 17, 2023

Moot Yak

A hairy moot or vag, unkempt or not well maintained.

Geez, i picked up on that two week camping trip and went the growl on Shazza in the tent, she had the full Moot Yak going. Hard lesson!

by Gavatron001 October 24, 2022


To get drunk, or to be intoxicated

Jim: Yo g, Emma got so yakked last night

Chris: I know fam, she could not stop throwing up this morning

by 27GMT July 13, 2021


Running over a fellow shredder with a surf board, feels similar to getting hit by a kayak.

Get out of the way you Sting Ray you're about to get Yakked!

by JGC8 February 10, 2023


Running over a fellow shredder with a surf board, feels similar to getting hit by a kayak.

Get out of the ay you Sting Ray you're about to get Yakked!

by JGC8 February 15, 2023

Yak (Yakking)

To vape into someone's butthole

Yak (Yakking) is when you blow smoke into someone's asshole.

"YO man, I was yakking so hard smoke was coming outta her mouth bro!"
"She sat on my face after I took a hit, I had no where else to put it!"
He had blown the vape into their asshole.
Singular: "Did you just Yak!?"

by The Yak Experience August 1, 2023

Waxing The Yak Skin

Furiously, and sometimes violently stimulating the male genitalia

Dude, my girl totally blue balled me and then took off last night, so I went home and was totally waxing the yak skin.

by TehNiZmoGuy May 2, 2011