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It means 'to fuck' but in minecraft

'I'll frick a creeper!'
'Aw man!'

by Creeper6969420420 October 14, 2019


'Frick' is basically another, cleaner word for 'F**k'. 'Foek' has the same concept.

Commonly used by 'Roblox' players, as swearing is prohibited on the game

(this example is one you'd use on 'Robox'

Noob: Hi
Pro: Oh frick there's too many noobs here
Other Pro: *shakes head* Frick Frick Frick

by PSEUDONYM2.50 November 25, 2018


The oppisite of fuck

Me:Hey my mothafrickah!
Person:Did you just complement me?

by Fucking bad May 20, 2023


A term used by Sammyclassicsonicfan to describe people who dislike Sonic or have ruined the Sonic fanbase.

Sammy: You Frickin Fricks

by Human Thesaurus September 22, 2019


A way to swear in front of christian people

"Frick me bro!"

by haha69420 November 12, 2019


Is a Word used to describe someone who is cute as "frick" , in other words cute as "Fuck"

Adriana is cute as "frick"

by Ayyeeenonymous July 12, 2019


This is a derogatory term made from 2 words, "freak", and "prick".

God-damned frick doesn't know how to drive, he cut me off!

by Dicktionarianist October 11, 2022