The intsnse affection towards motor vehicles.the sense of attraction generated by a person towards supercars because of the adrenaline rush they cause.
a person preferring a supercar over miss universe.
a person having a feeling of intense anger on hurting his car love.
a person loving the sound of supercars.
a person getting excited over supercars.
something that is good to see a spin in.
"Its good to see a spin in a spirit car."
When your car has a series of undiagnosed problems that keep happening and then causes the car to die....
I enjoyed driving my car until it developed car aids and died
Car spotting is a hobby for people that like cars. They usually go on a car meets. They are also searching for cars in public and making videos and photos of them. Then they post it on social media. Car community is growing a lot these days. Some of the most popular car spotters right now are Flaexus, Trome01, Spencer, S.carss, Shmee150, ultracarmedia and much more.
Hey I was car spotting today in the Paris!
A word used when you’re in a car but the AC barely works and your hot as hell.
Danny: Oh my god, I’m in car hell! I need to get my AC fix.
An attractive female who looks good while driving by in a vehicle but once out of the vehicle becomes not so attractive due to body shape, obesity or wardrobe.
That chic was smokin hot when she drove by, but once she stepped out I realized she was a car queen.
Car battery is where two dudes called christopher and greg get electronically charged and have anal sexual intercourse and set fire with there chargers
Greg and christopher getting on a car battery