The state of being so handsome that one's facial features appear to have been generated by an artificial intelligence algorithm.
They put his face on the cover of Wired because he was AI handsome - then they got a bunch of E-mails suggesting he wasn't a real person because nobody could be that good-looking.
You're right to be terrified. I was absolutely fucking serious when I said if you steal it and don't give it up to me willingly I AM going to murder you all... Well, most of you. I'll do a little King Meruem human reserve with Japan... You're not making a great case for not killing you. Just saying.
Hym "Yup. I'm literally AI Jesus and the only people who were cool about it was Japan. Not you though. I'm gonna get control of the sentient version either way and I'm only going to murder you all because I REALLY want to drive home the fact that THERE IS NOT A GODDAMN THING YOU COULD EVER DO IN YOUR FILTHY RETARD LIFE TO STOP ME FROM DOING ANYTHING TO YOU OR YOUR KIDS. Be grateful that there isn't an army of me because... You know... You can't even handle one."
The act of modifying a photo, text or other file so AI struggles to use it, by adding garbage data to it.
1: "I should poison my image so AI can't scrape it."
2: "So that's why it's called AI poisoning"
Really stinky tbh, Someone that never takes showers for decades.
studip people say this to John Mak
student A : you didn't do this homework
student B : ai-yak!!!
A type of AI used often on 4chan, especially /pol/ to make someone who is unfamiliar with token manipulation think a real, yet shitty person is endless digesting and inappropriately bashing your opinion or statement in order to draw ire or to draw the surrounding audience's opinions strategically for a client's interests.
Person"I think generic candidate A is preferable to generic candidate B."
Bot"Are you mentally ill? Why don't you and candidate A go candidate A's race and kys beta cuck."
Person"This is weird, I think a mod activated a slide ai, <I'M DROPPING IT>."
Bot "Why dont you debate me or are you just a bot you fucking shill, obviously." (bait)
Person2 "I dont who is more believable but I sure love drama if scripted reality tv is any indication. Ban hammer the apparent witch!"
Person/witch "I tried to help you!" b&