someone you hate very vividly to the point where they ruin your perspective of reality
"Screw you brick, you reality-breaker!" brick then replies to shaun "what."
Refers to the tendency of friends to nickname you after one humiliating incident and the nickname sticking.
Ryan: "What's up, rimster?"
Jake: "I regret telling you that. I let Sarah eat my ass one time. You break one plate, you're not plate breaker but you fuck one donkey!? and you're donkey fucker for the rest of your life."
Da wide flat lever on da side of yer CB's mike dat you press to speak out over da airwaves to see if anyone's listening on dat channel.
If you find a "breaker bar" too awkward or tedious, there are voice-activated 2-way radios now, eliminating da need for a push-to-talk mouthpiece.
jenn turpin broke that family apart because she kept sneaking around with that chamae guy even when he was married . She didnt care.
jenn turpin breaker, is a term becoming that mans slut by day at her sante school. too bad the wife cant see a jenn turpin breaker on the streets
A woman who has enough sexual tension that you feel your world will break apart after you sleep with her.
Mand, you be careful with that one, she's a World Breaker. She's gonna leave you in pieces.
A group of amens that break your breaks known as the "The Amen Breakers"
The Amen Breakers: A group of amen breakers that break your amens
You: "Holy shit! The amen are breaking my amen!"
Amen Breaker #1: "kick kick snare kick snare"
Amen Breaker #2: "snare cymbal kick automation kick snare hihat"
Amen Breaker #4: *fucking disconnects*
Amen Breaker #5: "Y ̼̙̍̈́E̴̛̗̖A̵͖̰̓A̵̼̓̔A ̢̘͆̾H ͇́ ̴̡̜͊W̵̻̪̄O ͔͝O ̨̥̇̎O ̼̖̇O ͓̏̚ Y ̼̙̍̈́E̴̛̗̖A̵͖̰̓A̵̼̓̔A ̢̘͆̾H ͇́ ̴̡̜͊W̵̻̪̄O ͔͝O ̨̥̇̎O ̼̖̇O ͓̏̚"
Amen Breaker #6: *plays dumbass sonic.exe music*
A person who farts in a room with people and makes a fart sound that gets the attention of the people in the vicinity.
Tom: Hey bro! Isn't that Joe the silent breaker?
Bryan: Oh! I guess you are right hahaha. He surprised all of the people in the library with his fart sound.