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Rolling Colon

The action of lowering your window while driving down the interstate sticking your butt out and having explosive diarrhoea on every car you pass

My buddy and I went down the inter state and he was rolling colon and it was the worst thing I've ever smelled.

by Jiffy3 May 14, 2021

Colon fogerty

The act of performing a fart transfer into a female's rectum then proceeding to go down on her. During this, she farts her (your) fart into your mouth in which you proceed to cup the gas in your cheek and immediately jump on top, stick your penis inside and blow the fart transfer directly I to her nose while she blows it out through her mouth back into your nose for you both to enjoy the euphoric sensation of the ultimate fart transfer

Me and my girl tried the colon fogerty last night, I've never cummed so hard in my life

by ...skankhunt42 December 27, 2022

caffeine colonic

The experience of a colonic, or the symptoms associated with a colonic, as a result of drinking too much coffee

Mate, just had a caffeine colonic from all that coffee i just drank!

by RubberCustard May 10, 2007

philip colon

hottest dude in the world. best fortnite player of all time as well.

Did you see that 360 no scope from philip colon?

by ph1l1p April 25, 2019

White colonizer

Is definitely a slur and one of the worst ones you can use against white people who’s ancestors were notorious colonizers that would enslave, genocide, wage war against, and rape entire races of people for profit, control, pleasure, because they could and what where you gonna do about it, and status.

As a slur, it can be used against any white peeps n that denies their own privilege, has the attitudes and beliefs of white supremacist, Christian nationalists, or greedy and self centered capitalist, and denies that systematic oppression doesn’t occur at the rate that it actually does—which in this day and age quite a bit. They are typically xenophobic, transphobic, homophobic, biphobic, and sexist as well as disproportionately conservative. They’re often holocaust deniers but in spite of having many belief adjacent to Neo nazism, will be offended if you compare them to Hitler. The costly complain about the “woke” movement and every bit of racially diverse, female, or LGBTQ+ representation that comes in their TV screen as the barked back to the good old days when white colonizers spread their religion, heteronormativity, and other terrible cultural norms forcefully on to people of color all around the world.

1.) Jeff from HR didn’t submit my discrimination report because he and the man who did this to me are both white colonizers.
2.) I think Jose is a Spaniard that hates POC because he said he doesn’t think “Negros” deserve affirmative action and if they’re too stupid to get into college in their own it’s not because systemic oppression and generational poverty make it harder but because they’re too stupid to breed with the white race.

by NotURmomsLIB June 21, 2024

1👍 1👎

colon irrigation

The sensation being forced out of your ass in such a way that it makes one go ooooooooo DAMNNN

Just had me a colon irrigation, now I can fart without any noise

by Electric tickle fingers January 2, 2016

colonizer jasper

Colonizer jasper is a composite material typically consisting of cement, water, aggregates (such as gravel or crushed stone) and often additives or admixtures to enhance the bland appearance and longevity. This material helped build the infrastructure that allowed the colonization of the United States.

Oh look. They killed all the plants over there so they could put down more colonizer jasper.

by ListentoLia February 24, 2024