Kid: What does "comfort" mean?
Person: Look at this picture of Louis Tomlinson.
Kid: Ohhh, I get it!
Let me guess, You searched up comfort on a dictionary and specifically, Urban dictionary because Tomodachi Life’s Macaroni and cheese description told you to.
Let’s search up Comfort because Tomodachi life told me to!
a sense of physical or psychological ease, often characterised as a lack of hardship. Persons who are lacking in comfort are uncomfortable, or experiencing discomfort.
The use of Comfort as a verb generally implies that the subject is in a state of pain, suffering or affliction, and requires alleviation from that state
A killer who is oblivious to the fact (or not) that they are killing/harming something or someone is someway.
Look at all the garbage people leave around, polluting the ocean and ground for our future kids and animals.. Such comfortable killers.
A Comfort Buffer is a friend-zoned person who is used as a comfort, for someone who is trying to fix a current / ex relationship. The buffer is simply there to provide friendship comfort and may not continue their friendship if a relationship is fixed.
Nick only keeps Isabel around as a comfort buffer, until he is able to fix his current relationship.
An outfit or clothes that you wear when you're home because you like how they feel.
Person A: Hi Person B!
Person B: Why are you wearing nothing but underwear?
Person A: Because this is my comfort suit.
It's not like I'm going somewhere.