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2 warmies and shredded apples

that is what we call comfort

by Ten cent coin November 10, 2019


Louis Tomlinson.

Kid: What does "comfort" mean?
Person: Look at this picture of Louis Tomlinson.
Kid: Ohhh, I get it!

by 28toinfinity December 23, 2021


Let me guess, You searched up comfort on a dictionary and specifically, Urban dictionary because Tomodachi Life’s Macaroni and cheese description told you to.

Let’s search up Comfort because Tomodachi life told me to!

by OverShabby March 11, 2022


a sense of physical or psychological ease, often characterised as a lack of hardship. Persons who are lacking in comfort are uncomfortable, or experiencing discomfort.

The use of Comfort as a verb generally implies that the subject is in a state of pain, suffering or affliction, and requires alleviation from that state

by SPrice1980 April 28, 2023

Comfortable Killer

A killer who is oblivious to the fact (or not) that they are killing/harming something or someone is someway.

Look at all the garbage people leave around, polluting the ocean and ground for our future kids and animals.. Such comfortable killers.

by OneComfortableKiller September 4, 2010

Comfort Buffer

A Comfort Buffer is a friend-zoned person who is used as a comfort, for someone who is trying to fix a current / ex relationship. The buffer is simply there to provide friendship comfort and may not continue their friendship if a relationship is fixed.

Nick only keeps Isabel around as a comfort buffer, until he is able to fix his current relationship.

by TheArtofWarr September 23, 2023

comfort suit

An outfit or clothes that you wear when you're home because you like how they feel.

Person A: Hi Person B!
Person B: Why are you wearing nothing but underwear?
Person A: Because this is my comfort suit.
It's not like I'm going somewhere.

by ChameleonDragon March 11, 2018