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Commit a crime against capitalism

Yes crimes against capitalism exist. However this crime is currently not achievable unless G-d says capitalism can't exist.

Commit a crime against capitalism is committed when normal people go nuts 🙃 and want to replace capitalism with their own liberal woke ideas. Punishment: remove people like Bill Gates and John Kerry from all levers of power.

by Sexydimma November 26, 2022

committed slam

Committed slam is a fuck buddy that only fucks you and buys you chipotle (and let's you get guac). Committed slams are not allowed to contact eachother before 7 pm. Communication is trickly fuck-based

We aren't dating. He's more of a committed slam.

by CommittedSlam September 16, 2015

go commit vital disfunctions

This is a serious insult. Noone will ever use this, unless you are a murderer. It is incredibly strong, and will decimate.
It is started with the go commit insult.

person1: "yo fam ur mom gay"
person2: "no u bitch kys lol xd fag"
person3: "Guys, don't make me do it."
person 1 and 2: "lol bitch do it i dare you"
person3: "Alright... Go commit vital disfunctions."
*person 1 and 2 absolutely explode and are sent to another dimension where demons stick lollipops up bumholes*

by hotboylookingtomingle November 22, 2018

Commit Dead Baby

The act of dying, and or killing someone in discrete manner. Often by the proxy of overmedicating.

Did you hear about Ginger? Turns out she pulled a Commit Dead Baby. I guess she shouldn’t have taken all that birth control.

by BenDober September 5, 2019

Commit Dead Baby

The act of dying, and or killing someone in discrete manner. Often by the proxy of overmedicating.

Did you hear about Ginger? Turns out she pulled a Commit Dead Baby. I guess she shouldn’t have taken all that birth control.

by BenDober September 5, 2019

committed to the bitch

When you say something mean that you regret but you double down because you can't unsay it.

"I couldn't believe what I had just said, but I threw out another insult for good measure because I was already committed to the bitch."

by Izulkara March 14, 2021

Go commit Blob

Committing suicide because you are an attention whore and nobody gives you attention so you are depressed.

You: i'm so depressed nobody likes my postcards collection i worked so hard on
Somebody: Go commit Blob

by WH1T3_No1SE March 25, 2019