Source Code

softboi engineer

An atypical software engineer, who doesn't identify with the leetcode grind, goes on tinder dates and does things outside of being a techies.

boy: ya I do yoga and tarot cards. I don't wanna talk about my tech job.
girl: you're a softboi engineer

by tres_brando May 13, 2022

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Lee Engineering

Something that is engineered in a way that frustrates people normally made by a guy named Paul.

"Yo, you hear about that bridge that fell?"
"Yeah, that was some Lee Engineering"

by GerAldwah December 18, 2020

Fantasy Engineering

Working on a pretend project with impractical goals, imaginary requirements, unachievable expectations.

My current assignment is fantasy engineering, we're making green biofuel out of unicorn manure.

by SequoiaMan December 5, 2009

Fire Engine

The piece of firefighting apparatus in which REAL firefighters ride.

Hes not a pussy truckie so he rides the fire engine.

by TWP325 February 5, 2009

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Afro engineering

The less offensive way of saying "nigger rigging"

That guy should be shot, he did nothing but get that shit to work long enough to get away. This afro engineering is unacceptable.

by White > Rest December 7, 2015

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Engine Breather

A "firefighter" that ,for some unknown reason, begins breathing air from his/her SCBA while in the fire apparatus, while en route to a fire call. These individuals are then automatically reclassified as "Yard Breathers" once they exit the fire apparatus. See definition for "Yard Breather"

That Johnny is a damn Engine Breather, look, the trucks not even on scene and he's breathing air

by Fraternal Brotherhood of Salt October 29, 2010

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Anything made by stuff made here

This lock is over-engineered

by Hello there me me June 1, 2021

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