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Fire but Awesome

One of the best groups to exist.

Man, Fire but Awesome is a good server.

by firebutawesome November 3, 2020

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fire fit

Slang to describe fresh clothes.

Fire meaning fresh and fit meaning clothes.

Come to my room, I gotta change into some fire fit before we hit the clubs.

by D-Clutch November 14, 2016

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high on fire

metal. that's all you need to know.

this one dude: have you heard of high on fire man?

this other dude: ya, i have

by brutallyendowedhamster February 2, 2011

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ring of fire

A medical condition occurring around the anus after eating at the International Curry House or similar establishment.

I can't wipe. Not with this roll of razor-paper! Bring me some snow.

by Anthem March 18, 2003

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Wings of Fire

Wings of Fire is a book series written by Tui T. Sutherland about ten different dragon tribes across two fictional continents. Each dragon tribe has their own unique traits and abilities--for example, SeaWings have gills and can swim very quickly, and SkyWings have massive wings and can fly very quickly.

The first five books take perspective of a cast of five dragonets that need to fulfill a prophecy to save their continent. From there, it's difficult to explain without spoiling the plot, so I will not expose any information.

The series currently contains 18 (21 if you include graphic novels) books as of writing--13 in the main series and 5 spinoffs. Another book is currently being written for the main series, ideally released in 2021. An animated show is also in the works, being animated by Warner Bros. Animation.

Wings of Fire is an awesome book series!

by Abyss the Hybrid September 24, 2020

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titty fire

The holding of a lighter in the brests of a woman to make readily available for use to light a cigarette or cigar

Yo Liz Curry let me get that titty fire I need to light my cigarette

by Adamyulee April 12, 2018

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firing a blank

Where you go to take a shit, but you only end up farting.

Thought I was bout to drop a hugeass deuce, but I just ended up firing a blank.

by Dang Lin Wang LXIX September 28, 2015

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