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gg and fuck you

Term used mostly in MMORPGs by people who are extemely jealous of another person dropping extremely rare drop.
"GG" is the "congrats" part and "fuck you" is the "GOD DAMN WHY I CANT GET ONE LIKE WTF" part.

Originating from Hypixel SkyBlock subreddit where someone posts extremely rare (and lucky) RNG drop, he will get bombed by these comments.

1. Examples:
A: bruh i just got a mythic longsword with 0.0001% chance
ENTIRE SOLAR SYSTEM: gg and fuck you

B: back to back legendary pet! FNSKJFSKFSFFSDDKSFDS
C: gg and fuck you!!!!!11!111!1!1

2. Hypixel SB example:
D: RARE DROP! Exp Share Core (+9% magic find)
D: wtf it only took 8 zombie kills
ENTIRE LOBBY: gg and fuck you...

by SomerandomDDfreak March 31, 2024

GG Kek

When fuel cell maintenance is inevitable, Jin Hui will initiate the call by texting "gg kek" in the chat group.

*Fuel Cell leaks*
Jin Hui: gg kek

by flameevil November 25, 2020

gg ting


emma: yo whats good tn
Gel" its a gg ting dawg

by more chune June 2, 2017

GG Dukes

A cringe YouTuber who needs to delete his channel

GG Dukes is cringe.

by GGDUUUKKEESS September 7, 2020

GG nah

what you are obligated to say after any Desmond paper

GG nah, I can't stop thinking about the last BST question in the paper.

by tokinosora December 9, 2022


"Gut genug", the greatest German insult, meaning "good enough".
Used in engineering circles, to tell someone to stop chasing perfection and wasting time.

Perfectionist: What do you think of this piece?
Person 2: Not bad, it's GG for a first try.
Perfections: *gasps audibly*


Engi 1: Should we redo the work and improve it?
Engi 2: Nah, it's GG, it'll work.


Engi 1: Our latest laptop design is only going to work for 2 years and 3 months before it breaks.
Engi 2: GG, it's over the warranty period. Ship it.

by badpunbun September 11, 2020


When you have fun after playing a game, and you consider that match good. It means Good Game, how can you not know?

xX_ProGamer69_Xx: "GG!"
xXWeedDealer420Xx: "Damn i lost, but GG tho"

by EinMann June 7, 2020