The mixture of unwiped shite from the arse with arse sweat.
Fuck me its hot today, my arse crack is swimming in hoop soup
Whoopin someone in basketball so well that they are basically 4 ft while you are 6 ft.
David got hella hooped over.
I can hoop over you.
Eternal Human centipede going anti clockwise with a strap-ons
-Are you free this weekend, I am hosting a Human hoop party
When come is stuck to an asshole for a day or two. The residue is know as "hoop cheese"
i went to lick his asshole and found a crusty layer of hoop cheese around his breach, then i knew he was unfaithful!
Kansas is the hoop state and has the best hoopers
Gradey Dick is from the hoop state
The sudden act of a group invading a specific location to hoop dance, usually without permission.
Are you busy today? Laura and I are going to go hoop bomb the UNCA dance studio.
A belt worn by an oklahoman would make a hula hoop for people in many states, since it's not misinformation that oklahomans are obese, its true.
Guy/girl from California or Colorado- Just got back from Oklahoma, and brought an Oklahoma hula hoop as a souvenir!