Source Code

kilowatt hours

unit of measuring electricity.

100 kilowatt hours

by JOHNSON II October 16, 2003

9πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

sad hour

On large college campuses: the space of approximately an hour around 3:00pm. During this time, the lonely, antisocial recluses emerge from hiding to eat lunch, for this is when the dining hall is emptiest (and therefore the least likelihood of making human contact): most people have already eaten lunch, but are not yet ready for supper. It is during this time that one will find the highest percentage of people dining alone. Diners during this time can often be found staring blankly into their phone or off into space as they contemplate their existence.

What if all the lonely people eating at sad hour got together...

by We all hail Johnny Christ August 23, 2017

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zero hour

Doomsday, The Last Day.

31/12/99 was supposed to be the Zero Hour but the Christian FundaMENTALists who prophesiced this are all losers.

by Brother Number One October 3, 2003

27πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

power hour

vigorously masturbating to see how many times you can cum in one hours time

Hey bro's i'm gonna go to my room and power hour.

Oh? Ur gonna take a nap?


Shit! Ur gonna drink 6 beers?


(Door shut)

by Petey North 69 May 13, 2011

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booty hours

The times that your body wakes you up for sex.

I woke up at 12:00am and 4:00am because it was booty hours

by trill spill for rill July 10, 2017

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

runch hour

1. The overcrowding of inner city streets during lunch hour.

This minger just cut me off, but that's okay she's not going anywhere fast it's gridlocked in runch hour.

by bennthewolfe August 25, 2007

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Slime Hours

Any time of day that is good enough to go to skateboarding or to the skate park.

Hey bro are you thinking it’s slime hours right now?

Nah man it’s too cold.

by GooooBeeee December 3, 2020

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