i like dick kock the L is silent
ex:idk probably tomorrow you:WHAT I DID NOT NEED TO KNOW THAT!
A contraction that means “I don’t know”
Person 1:
What is 6534297872345987,08973467808.678934567984325978635428976 ➗4557896298762455.487658679494387658754369598774355?
Person 2:
shut the fuck up it means “i dont know”
Girl: what does “IDK” mean
Boy: i dont know
Girl: so you dont know?
Boy 2: IT MEANS “I dont know” NOW SHUT THE FUCK UP
IDK means I don’t know, sometimes, parents take this as a lazy answer and take it as IDC (I don’t care).
Tell them how they’re wrong.
Parent: what’s the capital of insert something that fits the sentence
You: IDK