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Nigger Theory

Nigger theory is the theory of niggers (African-Americans, African-Britons, Black South Africans, Afro-Latin Americans, etc...). First introduced in Colonial Latin America and then popularized in antebellum America the theory encompasses various studies that attempt to understand the behavior and overall nature of niggers.

"Why do black people become so violent and ignorant outside of black African countries? Why do they go from cheerful people in Africa to disrespectful loudmouths once they leave the continent?"

"That's the goal of Nigger Theory, to understand why this happens"

by sendbobsandveganapics April 4, 2020

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A would-be brother-in-law who is in a commited relationship with your sister but isn't legally married to her.

These relatives are awkward to introduce because they're not necessarily your friends, but technically not your relatives either. You don't want to insult him by going into detail about his relationship with your sister in public, but if you call him your brother-in-law, awkwardness might arise when people glance at the non-existent wedding ring.

This also applies to would-be parents and sisters-in-law.

Jack: Hey Ted, why don't you invite your brother-in-theory onto our softball team?

Ted: Are you kidding? Then my father-in-theory's gonna want to join too. There's a reason I didn't marry into that crazy family, ya know.

by Gossip Who? September 13, 2009

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7Day Theory

a great achievement in the game Counter-Strike/also means the 7 Day Theory based on Tupac Shakur-took Tupac 7 days to die, and myth was that he would be back in 7 years(still to be confirmed)

I pulled a 7Day Theory(PWNAGE/l337 move)

by Kyle Varney October 25, 2003

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elbow theory

This is the theory that the average man will judge whether or not to try and sleep with a girl based on her circumference index.

If guy can put his arms around a girl and touch both of his elbows, he will certainly try it on. If not, he will find another girl to test the theory.

I'm going out friday night to test the elbow theory.

by Jmp85uk April 22, 2008

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Queer Theory

Created in the 1990s as a counter or solution to tranditional gender roles. Queer theory revolves around the theory of Gender Identity introduced by behavioral psychologist John Money and Identity politics as a whole. Queer theory explores how gender, sex and sexual orientation interact and are unique to each individual. It uses labels or identities to describe these interactions and attempts to create a more accurate description of individuals and their social roles.

Some people can't fit in the female or male box so queer theory's solution is a unique box for everyone.

by AdultHumanFemale May 21, 2019

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Margaritaville Theory

This theory states that if a middle-aged man has too much laid-back fun he ceases to exist.

Not sure where my dad went. My mom said to look up margaritaville theory

by forexchampion March 24, 2020

Armadillo Theory

The Armadillo Theory is the theory that once a specific arbitrary object or idea has been mentioned obscurely , or encountered randomly, that this time object or idea will suddenly appear more frequently in one's life. This is strictly based on noticing something that was already occurring in one's life, but without significance.

Once Karl mentioned to me that the armadillo was his favorite animal, I noticed how often I encountered armadillos in my daily life. This is why the theory is called the Armadillo Theory

by ArmadilloTheory March 14, 2017