Source Code

line jockey

n: generally, the guy (husband, boyfriend, younger brother, etc) who gets dragged to the mall the days after Thanksgiving and Christmas. Their sole purpose is to hold their wife, girlfriend, sister, etc's place in line while they shop. They can be sighted as looking extremely sad, bored, and tired. If not in line, they are forced to hold the bags. In some cases, they have to stand in line while waiting for the other people, but the people don't show up before they get to the front of the line, and the line jockey has to go to the end of the line and wait again.

For as long as he could remember, Little Johnny had been a line jockey for his Mom and sister.

The unhappiest person in a department store is a line jockey.

by bshpdnfrnklwfrdjr December 27, 2006

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sausage jockey

gay guy

hahaha that guys a sausage jockey

by ReDDo August 17, 2003

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Tampon Jockey

1. Noun. Referring to a male. Just a couple steps below your basic douche bag.
2. Whiner. Man who constantly complains like a 15 year old bitch.

"Ron was being such a Tampon Jockey last night!"

"You guys, it's late. I want to go!"
"Oh Ron, Don't be such a Tampon Jockey"

by Mindy B. April 25, 2008

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jockey slut

A lady of dubious morals who persues the Dj at the bar/club.

"There's Lorraine in the dj box, She's such a Jockey Slut"

by Hordak June 2, 2007

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skeet jockey

One who chooses to wrangle or catch all the skeet that comes there way.

"Man, she took all that skeet good."
"Yeah, she's a skeet jockey"

by jimmytootall April 17, 2007

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Jockey Shorts

-- briefs; underwear worn usually by men. More supportive than boxers.

' My penis was three inches long and five inches in diameter. Its diameter was a world's record as far as I knew. It slumbered now in my Jockey Shorts. '
--- 1973. KURT VONNEGUT. "Breakfast of Champions, or, Goodbye Blue Monday." Epilogue (Page 284).

by Dinkum January 18, 2014

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Cunt jockey

guy who marries a girl abroad and brings her home so she get's a green card

Hey Dave you going on holiday this year?
Why yes, as a cunt jockey I shall be visiting Thailand and bringing something back- thanks for asking reverend

by Chilli ring November 4, 2009

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