The purchase of beer, condoms, and cigarettes in anticipation of a fun night.
Bro, i'm ready for tonight. I showered, put on a clean pair of pants and got my sexcess kit. Party time.
Due to the sub standard plumbing dimensions in Greece expertise must be demonstrate in the orchestrated art of wiping your arse pipe while keeping time playing off beats on the pedal bin to dispose of the soiled 3 ply aftermath of an ouzo and souvlaki laden bowel movement.
Christ that's loose, I'll have to play the greek drum kit for a far while.
Roblox Kit Beh is a Youtuber series. While Roblox Kit Beh is a Small Youtuber but he/she make bad video out of bad user and make good video out of good user. So Roblox Kit Beh is innocent YouTube channel. He/she play as knight n squire, Roblox and others to enjoy for play.
A pack of juicy fruit and pringles.
Yo homegirls went all nine yards had hook ole dude up with the Pringicey kit
a kit used to pick out caca from your boyfriends/girlfriends but and eating it.
I used my caca kit to eat my girls poop
Really awesome guy who makes people feel a happiness that is very rare to come across these days.
Kit is someone who you can see yourself in a serious relationship with, but know it’s not going to work out.
He’s a real kit isn’t he?
Oh fuck yeah he is.
Kit is a flamboyant gay boy
“Did you see that twink?”
“Yeah their name is Kit”