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Lemon Fanta

Lemon Fanta is drink of the #gods If your lucky enough to find amazing refreshing #fantalemon don’t let it go flat. Your heart will break when you can’t find this in the shop but never give up hope because this is worth the wait. Best drank with those with good sense of #humar

Sally cinnamon : hey can I get you anything lemon Fanta ?

Joker : no baby I have my own lemon Fanta but I prefer your tea
Sally cinnamon: tea and lemon Fanta perfect

by Itwasalwaysyou November 14, 2020

Lemon drizzle

When you cum in a girls mouth, swiftly followed by a generous squeeze off fresh lemon.

Damn baby u want me to make you a lemon drizzle cake

by 3milyyR0s3 January 7, 2021

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Washing Lemons

Slang for the sexual act of rimming. Stemming from a confusing UK health debate regarding both the use of fungicides on lemons and how to remove them before consumption and that of rectal parasite risks involved in anilingus.

I was Washing Lemons with my wife last night, She had not wiped the rim though. I gagged as she moaned.

by Dirtymangravy November 4, 2021

Lemon Tree

A tree that grows lemons, symbolic of both the sweetness of fruit and the bitterness of earth. All-powerful, all-beautiful.

We have a beautiful lemon tree in the backyard.

by alikitkat July 19, 2008

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ur sweet, a pussy or a bitch.

Yo you bitch stop bein a lemon.

by dfshtrh August 27, 2007

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Being bad at something that is impossible to be bad at.

Pento: Man I'm so bad at economics.
Eric Shin: Wow you're such a lemon.

by eric shin August 15, 2007

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you lemon

Another word for 'idiot' or 'moron'

Someone who hasn't sorted their student finance.

Charlie: "I haven't sorted my student finance yet."

Ben: "Well you should have done it by now, you lemon."

by BenjinaUK October 11, 2013

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